January 21, 2014
To: Mom, Dad & Sister
Here’s the news this week…
Mr. Business - 35, Texas
Haven't talked to him in a week.
Verdict: Most likely over
Roughneck - 38, North Dakota
Oh…. You wanted to know how our date went last weekend? Well…. before that, some bad news.
I made a major faux pas last week… thinking he was Napa Valley, I texted him on his work phone and then accidentally texted Napa Valley on Roughneck’s personal phone (that’ll teach me to immediately save numbers to my phone book!) He totally called me on it, and I think it made him feel weird (obviously). But he took it like a gentleman and I tried to be as gracious as possible.
How embarrassing! One of the perils of having many threads going at the same time… it was bound to catch up with me!
I enjoyed our meet up last weekend. He took me to dinner and we had a nice time. Not earth shattering but it wasn’t awful! So I guess it’s kind of in the same place as before, perhaps low expectations can grow into something good? It wasn't zingy fun, and several times in our conversation it felt like we're on a different wave lengths, but maybe he was nervous. One of those cases where observing something changes it. (Never was THAT more true than in dating)
Despite that, I felt comfortable with him. He seems very generous and kind. Will continue talking to him. He probably would propose if I gave any indication that I wanted to go there, which feels a little strange…. too-much-too-soon, much?!
Verdict: Still up in the air
Napa Valley - 41, California
Seems busy, but who wouldn't be. Have talked twice more on the phone. Always ends up being late, and then a quick phone conversation turns into a longer phone conversation than planned. Our conversation last night was mostly about football and sports. He rattled on and on. Was he just happy to be talking to a girl and confused about what to talk about? HA. But he's fun to talk to, despite the fact that I can't really add anything to a conversation about sports. Feel like I actually kind of like him, am thrilled when he calls (more so than with Roughneck).
Verdict: Still Out, but still interested in continuing to talk
NEW: Young Brother Christian - 25, Minnesota
He had befriended mom and dad at their church, and when I went back to visit for New Year’s he made every effort to come talk to me and get himself invited to Panera for lunch. He’s so young, but there’s something about him that feels very old fashioned - despite his youth? I kind of love that his name is Christian, because it fits just so perfectly. And guess what his last name is? Drangmeister!1 Dragon-Meister? I get a fit of giggles just saying it.
He added me on Facebook last week then called me this week so we could discuss the plot of Downton Abbey. Which lead to other interesting conversations about taxes and government. He has a degree in “urban studies”….
He is only about a DECADE too young, (also un-established and BROKE). He is refurb-ing an old house, with antiques and found hardware/wood. It’s super awesome but…. what does he live on? He works at the food court at the mall. Definitely an artist, who works to sustain his true calling. Which I suppose is romantic…. when you’re TWENTY-FIVE.
I don’t see this going anywhere but we have so much fun talking. Am I leading him on? He can't really think that I would date him, right? Also, somehow (as you do) we tramped into the “do you want kids land” and he made it abundantly clear that he does not. I see this going NOWHERE, EVER - end of story. But I find his interest amusing - it's gutsy to go for somebody five years older than yourself!
Verdict: Hopeless
From: Sister
I didn't know you and Young Brother Christian talked on the PHONE! hahaha!
Actually his last name means healer or manufacturer of medicinal beverages, not dragon wrangler. But either way it’s an awesome name!
I bet you end up marrying him in the end. Wouldn't that be ironic! Mom and dad take twenty years to connect to that church, and in the end it provides your husband just as they're giving up and walking away.
love you!
To: Sister
That'd be HILARIOUS, also a good end to the story. Someone you totally write off…
We’ll see. ;)
No real names are used. But his real name is also a hilarious German one. This is a great approximation.
Your sister totally would swoop in and correct your german 😜😂