February 12, 2014
To: Mom, Dad, Sister, Grandma
You're probably wondering what's happening!
Young Brother Christian - 26, Minnesota
Well, I canceled his trip. He was disappointed I think (and honestly I was kind of too, it would have been really fun), but I explained to him simply:
I don't want a boyfriend, I’m looking for a husband. I'm willing to hang out in perhaps a pre-boyfriend type way with somebody in the absence of someone else (which he already knew) but when somebody else comes into the picture, then... I can't keep my mind in two places.
He was okay I think. And it's better this way, you don't accidentally step on the toes of a good friendship. He said he wanted to still be friends because he values my opinions and thoughts on things - love, politics, business. I told him certainly we can be friends (after-all, he really DOES need more sensible adult friends) and I encouraged him to keep up his friendship with Mom & Dad.
Omaha - 41, Denver
We have spent copious amounts of time on the phone and texting in the last few days. Last night we face-timed for three hours, until he was sure to only get a few hours of sleep before he had to wake up and fly to Florida for the rest of the week for business.
Sister thought I should get myself invited along and just put everything else on a state of emergency. We talked about it, but I think he was a little too scared to pull the trigger on that gun. So instead we're going to meet on Monday. He flies back to Denver on Sunday. I am toying with the idea of driving down there.
I'm kind of tired of showing people around here right at the moment, and it'd be nice to just show up and have somebody else plan what to do and where to take me. He didn't want me to make the drive (it's about six hours), but I said I would and that way we could spend all Monday together.
It's still not set in stone. A week seems a little long to wait to meet, but there was nothing else so.... It will seem longer if hanging out with him goes well... since the next free time we both have isn't until March.
I'm trying not to let the cart get ahead of the horse, but I feel really excited about this one. I think I bagged myself a big one! Is he too good to be true - we'll see. Things look good, but the evidence still has to be acquired.
Did I mention that he said he thought his purpose was to lead people through business to change people's lives for better?
There's still lots of things we haven't talked about, and lots of other things to discuss. He's super into sports .... okay.... He's very competitive and achievement oriented, which I guess is great in business. We were looking for big Alpha Male, and maybe sports is often part of that package.
A nice text he sent today (talking about who kept him up so late last night): "Is she articulate and quick witted... does she have pleasant insights that unexpectedly appear out of nowhere?"
Why.... YES I DO!
He asked for my address... to send flowers? But I am still not quite sure about giving that up... He might have to be creative - make the order and have THEM call me? Or we'll just wait.
The guys at church will likely be all over the fact that Young Brother Christian isn't going to show up.
"Yup, I bagged a bigger trophy."
And that's all the news that fit to print currently.
Love you all