Part 4: In Which I Set Fire to the Hunting Camp
Who needs one when you've been hit by a poison dart?
February 10, 2014
To: Mom, Dad, Sister, Grandma
Mr. Business - Texas
Well he finally called me, and said he'd just been really busy. I was busy this weekend so we still haven't had a long conversation. But the twenty minutes we talked was fun, and we seemed to click nicely.
Verdict: Excited to talk more
Napa valley - 41, California
I haven't talked since before last news update. He did Facebook message me a couple lines so maybe I haven't dropped off his radar. But I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Verdict: on way back burner
Someone walked into the room, and the husband list may have just spontaneously combusted. I imagine a James Bond movie where he just opens a door and everything on the other side blows apart. And I'm standing there going, "What?!"
Omaha - 42, Denver
Splits his time between Nebraska where his ex wife and kids are and Denver where he works.
He doesn't have his kids, given his work schedule, but has a great relationship with his ex wife (better, he said that it ever was before when they were married, because she's moved on and they're fine.) That’s a great sign! He is definitely open to having more kids but has had the snip, so might not work out. But raising more kids is not off the table.
“Could I send you a list of my seven prerequisites before we keep talking?” he asked.
I have to admit as sterile as this seems, it’s also organized and thoughtful. He’s also on the big hunt! That’s super appealing!
These are seven things that help me determine if I want to pursue a woman:
1. Am I attracted to you physically? Do you take care of yourself, are you fit, do you exercise and eat healthy? Do you carry yourself with confidence? Do you have a good sense of style with clothes, hair/nails and makeup? Will I say "wow" when I see you?
2. Are you 100% committed to pursuing God? Do you lean on God daily and trust Him above all else? Will you pray for me and us daily? Will you point me to God when I need it without ridicule or judgment? Will your hunger for truth and what is right trump your own will?
3. Is protecting my heart your #1 priority? Will you allow us to be friends, work toward committed friendship (dating), move to engagement then marriage? No shortcuts, no rushing and no delaying. Will you trust God's leading on timing and obediently pursuing His highest and best for us even if it means we end up as friends? Will you be my sister in Christ first and foremost? Will you commit to stay pure while we get to know each other so that we will not sin against our spouse or God? Can we be ourselves around each other?
4. Do we complement each other's purpose? Do you know who you are and what your purpose is? Have you worked on being mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally healthy? Do you want a partnership that serves God and community? Our individual purpose will not compete but complement each other. In fact, my wife's purpose will be facilitated and edified by my purpose and vice-versa. God has someone that when we get together, our purpose will be easier to pursue.
5. Do you value family? Will you accept my kids and love them as your own? I am not looking for a mom to my kids, but I do want a woman that will nurture and care for us as a family regardless of whose kids are in the home.
6. Do you have great relationships that run deep? Are you supported by good friends, and have your priorities in order? Do you have a life, and have things going on outside of me, but you are willing at any moment to give me the attention and focus I need? You are not rejecting, you are supportive and encouraging. You meet my needs naturally; it’s just who you are.
7. Do you like to laugh and play? Do you love to compete and play sports as well as watch them? Do you enjoy challenging yourself with games and sports? Are you willing to try new things and consider it an adventure?
I replied "Well buy a ring, looks like you just found your DREAM GIRL."
He replied asked if we could talk on the phone. And we did, for an hour and a half!
All this time I thought I was doing the big game hunting but truth be told, I think I just got hit with a "poison" dart cause I could hardly move, or think or talk.
After we got off the phone he texted me saying, "Hey, can you please pray about this? and don't be vague, but ask 'Is Omaha my husband?'"
I talked to Sister and then my other friend and just as I was about to fall asleep he texted me asking if we could pray, and then we talked on the phone for another hour.
I'm not saying I know everything about this guy, or that he is definitively IT, but I'm saying it's crazy and amazing, and I suddenly feel like canceling all my plans (definitely have to tell Young Brother Christian he can't come visit) and burning my hunting camp to the ground.
I just don't care about any of it, nothing else seems important. There's things we have to talk about and hurdles to face, but I might have just met one in a million. Who also thinks I'm beautiful and amazing.
He has some business trips coming up, and then I have a girl friend coming to visit me. So unless he decides to fly me with him on his business trip, or pull some other gigantic stunt, it looks like we won't be seeing each other until March.
More to come!
Love You!
From: Grandma
O my goodness, it sounds wonderful! Hopefully not to good to be true. But am so excited for you. Have you seen his picture? Will be praying for you. Hopefully this one isn't to good to be true! He almost sounds like it. Great Aunt and I enjoyed the latest so much, some excitement in our lives.
From: Mom
You had better cancel Christian’s trip! This sounds so great!
To: Sister
He hasn’t messaged me much these past few days. I’m trying to realize he’s on his business trip and probably busy but….
From: Sister
Just calm down. I’m sure he IS busy. When my husband goes on a business trip he really doesn’t talk to me because any down time is spent trying to eat or get ready for the next thing, or crash into bed. Don’t worry!
To: Sister
You were right. He was just stressed out and busy and when I get home tonight we're gonna talk.
What would I do without your calming good sense? Become a vortex of crazy?!
This morning he had his big speech and he texted me after
“I killed it! these guys loved it. Thank you so much for your prayers!! xo”
Later this afternoon he texted me again and then I said, "I really have been trying hard to leave you alone and not harass you this week, but shooooot it's been tough!”
him: You have no idea how bad I've wanted to see you. Now that I'm on the downhill slide, I'm back to you :) Tonight I have no meetings!
OH MY GOSH! I'm so excited/nervous/thrilled/terrified!
Thanks for keeping me calm(ish)! Love you!